Ashley has facilitated workshops in the Talent Shack since 2018. Ashley is a theatre and movement director, as well as the Artistic Director of Cardiff theatre company, Clock Tower. He teaches with a focus on devising, ensemble and text performance. Ashley continues to develop young theatre makers through the exploration of a variety of performance techniques; including other essential elements such as prop making, lighting choices and scriptwriting. Throughout his time at the Talent Shack he has led the Youth Theatre which started off as one group for the development of young performers to devise freely with the purpose of creating new material for stage and is now three groups over a Wednesday and Thursday and covers devised and scripted plays. Ash directs the Saturday Musical Theatre Juniors and Seniors productions and leads masterclasses in physical theatre and stage combat. He also leads our bespoke workshops in schools.
Contact Details: The Talent Shack, Unit 17, Freemans Parc, Penarth Road, CF11 8EQ Tel: 07886 020923 Email: